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Discussion on: Why, like Ariana, you should be grateful for your ex (IDE)

jep profile image

It's entirely possible I missed the point of the comic and it went over my head. If that's the case, then sorry!

For anyone who reads this post and bristles at the panel comic about Vim vs. Emacs vs. Nano, I have been working professionally in tech for 20 years. Most of those years have been on Linux. I use nano everyday.

It's about working smarter, not harder. If you want to learn how to use the others and become a power user, then best of luck. For the rest of us, it shouldn't require you to learn anything, let alone a new workflow/key map, etc., to just edit a text file.

sourishkrout profile image
Sebastian Tiedtke • Edited

You're totally right, Jim. Just being a little tongue in cheek about nano, both the comic & the post. As said towards the end, I'm a bit believer in using a diverse set of tools, which also includes nano, instead of singling one out to be the best at everything.

jep profile image

No worries, I figured as much. Just wanted to assure anyone who may felt the same way about the comic that nano is a fine alternative.