DEV Community

Discussion on: A Brief Guide To Manage Dotfiles

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Jerry Ng

TL;DR: as a noob, I think chezmoi is super easy to use & learn & it comes with very good documentation

I feel like can't do the creators & developers enough justice here without putting this here. I think they are doing a pretty good job at explaining the why's.

As for me:
I don't find it unnecessarily heavyweight.
I had no prior experience in managing dotfiles, yet what chezmoi provides is the ability to abstract all these "magics" with ease of use (super important for me).
Why? As an average Linux user, I find it harder to do things "correctly" as what you have done. While it will benefit me in the long run to learn the nitty-gritty details, I think the time taken for me to do so isn't as rewarding.

I'd rather use a tool that has gotten most use cases "figured out" and I'll just be a happy user (rather than having to figure out how to do things correctly myself.)