DEV Community

Discussion on: Any suggestions for new coders?

jesterxl profile image
Jesse Warden • Edited

There are a few roadmap style course on YouTube, Udemy, and others. However if your motivation is lacking, try to ignore a roadmap and instead build things you think are fun. When I first started I wanted to build games. I’d play a game, then try to code one part of it like “How do I build a drag and drop inventory system?” Or “How do these characters know how to walk around this tree?”. I’d spend hours and most times not finish but holy cow I learned a lot trying. After weeks to months of this, I had dozens of folders full of half finished attempts that’d I often refer to later for years on how I approached something. It taught me a lot, I found the things I liked coding, and affected my professional work in a great way.

Make sure you get enough sleep then just explore for the sake of exploring; you’ll end up building your own roadmap that is more like a map of where you have been, because who knows where you’ll go. That motivation builds on itself, but you can get burned out. That’s fine and natural; just take a break and do it again tomorrow.

azicoo profile image

thanks for the suggestions I will absolutely follow it:)