DEV Community

Discussion on: How a single JSON file could become your entire code base

jfullerco profile image

I’ve been moving one of my react projects to a similar predetermined or templated structure using firebase and a “Core” collection. Basically like a schema for your schema. It’s a lot of work upfront but definitely pays dividends in the long run not having to chase down irregularities with how your data interacts as your project grows or changes. Also very helpful with data relationships as changing how those relationships function or are defined is as easy as changing the Core schema.

Word of caution though, abstraction always comes with the temptation to further abstract and can become a time sink for no actual improvement. I know because I’ve ended up there at times. Don’t let that dessuade you though as I’ve learned an invaluable amount about Js and React data handling in the process.

Don’t play too hard!!