DEV Community

Discussion on: Can Developer Productivity be Measured?

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Jilles van Gurp

I don't think it is this black and white. Loc are too easily dismissed in this industry together with a lot of other metrics in favor of something even worse: opinions and gut feelings. Sure, Loc are not a great metric but they are better than measuring nothing. And it's not the only metric. You can look at number of commits, size of those commits, etc. Frequency of commits per time unit, tickets closed, test coverage, etc. Together they tell a story; especially when you track them over time. It's usually not the whole story and in the end it is just numbers. But they tend to even out over time and big changes tell you something just happened.

One glance at the github statistics of any project will usually tell you who are the movers and shakers and who are definitely not having a lot of impact. When metrics vary by magnitudes between developers, it's pretty hard to ignore. In my experience the numbers can vary dramatically between developers doing similar work in one project. 10x is pretty rare, but 3-5x within one project is pretty common and it is usually not temporary.

With those kind of differences, effectively 70-80% of all the code is being written by a handful of people. Amount of code varies of course with technologies used, quality of that work, etc. But it varies particularly with uncertainty and confidence. Somebody that is struggling will not get a lot done and the quality of what they get done might not be great either. If somebody is struggling a lot, their impact is going to be pretty low; or even negative. It's going to show in the numbers.

That doesn't necessarily mean you have a slacker but you do have an issue with somebody needing a little help in the form of coaching, pairing or training, or a gentle nudge to a different type of role.