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Discussion on: Lets Build Web Components! Part 3: Vanilla Components

jimisdrpc profile image

Thanks for you promptly answer. Well, you removed the most relevant part of my test: el.shadowRoot.querySelector('#firstdiv2');. Basically, I want to check if there is a div with id firstdiv2 and it must fail since the correct id is firstdiv. Your suggestion will pass but, as fafr as I ccan see, you are just checking if the fixture works; you aren't checking anything from the webcomponent html.

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jimisdrpc profile image

Based on your suggestion, I found a solution:

import { html, fixture, expect } from '@open-wc/testing';

import '../src/skyscanner-flight-search/skyscanner-flight-search.js';

describe('skyscanner flight search', () => {
it('show div', async() => {
const el = await fixture(html
await window.customElements.whenDefined('skyscanner-flight-search')


it('show input for session key', async() => {
    const el = await fixture(html `
    await window.customElements.whenDefined('skyscanner-flight-search')


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jimisdrpc profile image

What is your opinion about how I am testing? IN few words, it is based on Karma + Mocha and depending on fixture approaches.

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bennypowers profile image
Benny Powers 🇮🇱🇨🇦 • Edited

if your goal is to test that the shadow root renders the way you expect, I suggest using the open-wc package semantic-dom-diff, which is built-in to open-wc's testing setup, like so:

import { expect, fixture } from `@open-wc/testing`;

describe('skyscanner flight search', function() {
  it('should render the correct Shadow DOM', async function() {
    const el = await fixture(`<skyscanner-flight-search></skyscanner-flight-search>`);
    await window.customElements.whenDefined('skyscanner-flight-search')
      <!-- this dom string will be semantically compared to the real dom -->
      <!-- comments will be stripped out -->
      <!-- and you'll get a helpful diff as otuput if you use open-wc's testing setup -->
      <div id="firstDiv"></div>
      <input id="inputSessionKey"/>