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Discussion on: AoC Day 22: Mode Maze

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Juan Manuel Gimeno

Part1 was easy: translate the definitions into python code and let the memoization decoration do catching for efficiency.

Part2 is an application of the A* algorithm, which I ended consulting in Wikipedia because my recall was wrong and, although I solved the given example, I fail at the problem.

import collections
import functools

ROCKY, WET, NARROW = range(3)

def geologic_index(region, depth, target):
    x, y = region
    if region == (0, 0) or region == target:
        return 0
    elif y == 0:
        return x * 16807
    elif x == 0:
        return y * 48271
        return erosion_level((x - 1, y), depth, target) * erosion_level((x, y - 1), depth, target)

def erosion_level(region, depth, target):
    return (geologic_index(region, depth, target) + depth) % 20183

def type_(region, depth, target):
    return erosion_level(region, depth, target) % 3

def risk_level(depth, target):
    width, height = target
    return sum(type_((x, y), depth, target) for x in range(width + 1) for y in range(height + 1))

def test_geologic_index():
    assert geologic_index((0, 0), 510, (10, 10)) == 0
    assert geologic_index((1, 0), 510, (10, 10)) == 16807
    assert geologic_index((0, 1), 510, (10, 10)) == 48271
    assert geologic_index((1, 1), 510, (10, 10)) == 145722555
    assert geologic_index((10, 10), 510, (10, 10)) == 0

def test_erosion_level():
    assert erosion_level((0, 0), 510, (10, 10)) == 510
    assert erosion_level((1, 0), 510, (10, 10)) == 17317
    assert erosion_level((0, 1), 510, (10, 10)) == 8415
    assert erosion_level((1, 1), 510, (10, 10)) == 1805
    assert erosion_level((10, 10), 510, (10, 10)) == 510

def test_type():
    assert type_((0, 0), 510, (10, 10)) == ROCKY
    assert type_((1, 0), 510, (10, 10)) == WET
    assert type_((0, 1), 510, (10, 10)) == ROCKY
    assert type_((1, 1), 510, (10, 10)) == NARROW
    assert type_((10, 10), 510, (10, 10)) == ROCKY

def test_risk_level():
    assert risk_level(510, (10, 10)) == 114

# Part 2

                 WET: {CLIMBING_GEAR, NEITHER},
                 NARROW: {TORCH, NEITHER}}

State = collections.namedtuple('State', 'region equipment')

class Cave:
    def __init__(self, depth, target):
        self.depth = depth = target

    def type_(self, region):
        return type_(region, self.depth,

    def explore(self):
        fscore = collections.defaultdict(lambda: float('inf'))
        gscore = {}
        start = State(region=(0, 0), equipment=TORCH)

        gscore[start] = 0
        fscore[start] = self.heuristic(start)

        open_states = {start}
        closed_states = set()

        while True:
            current_state = min(open_states, key=lambda s: fscore[s])

            if current_state.region == and == TORCH:
                return gscore[current_state]


            for next_state, distance in self.neighborhood(current_state):

                if next_state in closed_states:

                tentative_gscore = gscore[current_state] + distance

                if next_state not in open_states:
                elif tentative_gscore > gscore[next_state]:

                gscore[next_state] = tentative_gscore
                fscore[next_state] = tentative_gscore + self.heuristic(next_state)

    def heuristic(self, state):
        return abs([0] - state.region[0]) \
               + abs([1] - state.region[1])

    def neighborhood(self, current):
        next_states_and_distances = []
        for next_region in adjacent(current.region):
            if in COMPATIBILITY[self.type_(next_region)]:
                next_states_and_distances.append((State(region=next_region,, 1))
        for equipment in [CLIMBING_GEAR, TORCH, NEITHER]:
            if equipment != and equipment in COMPATIBILITY[self.type_(current.region)]:
                next_states_and_distances.append((State(region=current.region, equipment=equipment), 7))
        return next_states_and_distances

def adjacent(region):
    x, y = region
    moves = []
    if x > 0:
        moves.append((x - 1, y))
    if y > 0:
        moves.append((x, y - 1))
    return moves + [(x + 1, y), (x, y + 1)]

def explore(depth, target):
    return Cave(depth, target).explore()

def test_cave():
    cave = Cave(510, (10, 10))
    assert cave.type_((0, 0)) == ROCKY
    assert cave.type_((1, 0)) == WET
    assert cave.type_((0, 1)) == ROCKY
    assert cave.type_((1, 1)) == NARROW
    assert cave.type_((10, 10)) == ROCKY

def test_explore():
    cave = Cave(510, (10, 10))
    assert cave.explore() == 45

def _test_part2():
    cave = Cave(8112, (13, 743))
    assert cave.explore() == 1010

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Part1: ", risk_level(8112, (13, 743)))
    print("Part2: ", explore(8112, (13, 743)))