DEV Community

Discussion on: Reducing VSCode Memory Consumption

joaomoreno profile image
João Moreno

Hey there. VS Code dev here. A few comments:

  • Disabling telemetry does absolutely nothing to reduce memory.
  • There is no search indexing at all. We use ripgrep to provide fast search. Adding stuff to search.exclude reduces no memory at all.
  • Creating workspaces is actually allocating more memory than simply opening folders.

The best thing you can do to reduce memory consumption in VS Code is: install less extensions.

ekoetsjarjan profile image
Edward Koetsjarjan

is it possible to see what extensions uses how much memory, the easy way?
was looking but not found any , thank you

claudiodavi profile image
Claudio Davi

Hi, thanks for the heads-up, about the telemetry i know it does not affect memory consumption, but I mentioned I could include as a tip for other devs that don't like sharing data.
Great thing that search doesn't index I didn't know that! But removing folders for search greatly improves user experience during search.
For workspaces, I'll give it a go then. Thank you for the tip!!

renanprometheusarch profile image
Renan Moura

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i dont think so man ... we also write some shit code sometimes ... kkkkk dont be so silly kkkk

arthurfiorette profile image
Arthur Fiorette

Mano, rir com kkk fora do brasil é errado demais ausdhauishdiashd