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Discussion on: Create custom Google search engine for your domain(s) and fetch results as JSON

jochemstoel profile image
Jochem Stoel
<!-- when the form is submitted, either with submit button or ENTER key, call search() -->
<form onsubmit="return search()">
    <input type="text" id="query">
<!-- show the results in this DIV -->
<div id="results"></div>

function search() {
    const cx = '009833334622897458665:rtvizlb' // your search engine id 
    const apikey = 'AIzaSyAmvBcHwO9VtVny-cVrP7IhXJ' // your api key

    /* select the input element */
    let input = document.getElementById('query')

    /* fetch the following URL that includes apikey, cx and the value of input */
    fetch(`${apikey}&cx=${cx}&q=${input.value}`).then(response => response.text()).then(text => {
        let result = JSON.parse(text)
        result.items.forEach(item => {
            /* add it to your results div */
            //, item.title, ...etc
    /* make sure the form isn't actually submitted by returning false */
    return false 

More details about what happens with fetch:

/* this fetches the URL and resolves response */

/* this resolves only the responseText */
.then(response => response.text())

/* parse the responseText to Object */

The Object parsed from JSON looks like this:

Each item in result.items looks like this:

I'll let it up to you figuring out how to add an item to your result DIV. (create an <a> element and set its href attribute to

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makwelos profile image

Awesome, thank you so much Jochem.
I got it:)

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cazp83 profile image
César Augusto Zapata • Edited

Hi Jochem!

Great tut! I was wondering if It's possible to add the autocomplete feature on this form input

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jochemstoel profile image
Jochem Stoel

To use Google Suggest, you need a server. Cross Domain XMLHttpRequests are not allowed. I have actually created an NPM module for Google Suggest that does exactly that. It fetches suggestions from Google Search.
All you need to do is create a server that pipes the response to the client and then use some jQuery auto-complete plugin to render them visually.

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cazp83 profile image
César Augusto Zapata

Hi Jochem, thanks for the advise, very useful. I'll look into this.

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jochemstoel profile image
Jochem Stoel

Did you figure it out? Does it need an article?

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cazp83 profile image
César Augusto Zapata

Thanks for the follow up Jochem, however I'm more interested in receiving suggestions based on the sites listed in my search engine rather than the entire web. Recently I found this function ( so I'm going to try implement it in my project, thanks again.