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[Comment from a deleted post]
Sloan, the sloth mascot
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po0q profile image
pO0q 🦄 • Edited

Using Grid instead of Flexbox while not necessary is a mistake. As I wrote, while you can use grid to align rows, it's not the best use. You'd rather use it for more complex layouts.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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po0q profile image
pO0q 🦄 • Edited

This is like saying using let is a mistake if the variable never changes.

No, it's not.

As written in the post, my mistake was to use grid for simple alignments while Flexbox is easier in this case. The post also highlights the fact you can combine the two approaches, so I'm definitely not saying you should use one instead of the other. You should not use them interchangeably.

It's not opiniated. Please consider using less disrespectful terms. Thanks for your interest, though.