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Discussion on: Roadmap for React JS 2022

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

I can't stop thinking (as Tech Lead) how much newbies and not so newbies relay in styling kits nowadays. You set 4 of them + plain CSS (not even in the first place for a reason I can't figure out) while in truth you only need CSS + Sass (SCSS) to provide optimized beautiful views those days, specially with flexbox.
Then you stuck when having to code custom components... I find Tailwind highly disappointing on the other hand because you enforce yourself to learn the CSS api the wrong way (which makes you able to work with tailwind but terribly inefficient with SCSS) while flooding your HTML with seas of boilerplate.
If you've issues with SCSS is because a lack of good architecture and tailwind will not solve that and last but not least the amount of jobs listing tailwind is just ridiculous, last time I search for it in LinkedIn I could find only 1. It's all about community newbies hype so wdy bother anyway?

michi profile image
Michael Z

I believe you don't find Tailwind as a requirement in job listings because it's so easy to learn it doesn't make sense to list. Just learn it on the job. Actually, the same applies to SCSS or any CSS solution for that matter. While it's an important decision for a project it shouldn't be a priority for the hiring devs to find people with those skills, or for job seekers to judge a job posting on.

That is, generally speaking. Of course there are exceptions. And I'm speaking from a fullstack dev perspective :)

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Nope, the reason is that almost nobody is using it in enterprise projects which cover the major part of the market.
Community hype is not a reflex nor the present nor the future, it could be and it could not, we'll see.
As tech lead I see tailwind as a way to avoid unused css code in production but the drawbacks are there as well to be realistic and of course it's not the only way to reach that, there are several and the devs I work with focus so much in JS and so poorly in CSS that having to use this atomic class->css prop way to work would be a huge mess quickly in comparison on some (that knows HTML and CSS well) providing good styled components to others (that know only the very basic +JS)

luisgregson profile image
Luis Gregson

Component libraries are a great way to get a project up and running quickly, with a consistent design and UX, with little friction for developers of all skill levels. And building more complex components out of the basic building blocks of the component library is just as simple.

There are some limitations in component libraries, but i much prefer them over something like Tailwind which i think forces the learning of specific, and unnecessary classes over the corresponding css properties, and doesn't actually give much value over basic css, or something like StyledComponents.

I'd always start a project with a component library and then once the product is live and you start to get insights into your user-base, you can spend a while building your own, more brand-specific component library and swap out the existing one.

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

the only issue with that, taking Bootstrap for example as a wide used styling kit is that you'll end up in trouble whenever you have to override it.
There's plenty of !importants and selectors that are though to overcome and you'll end up with more and more CSS code just for that. On the other hand and depending on the architecture and tooling used, you can end up loading the entire bootstrap (both CSS and JS) everywhere which makes your "unused CSS" grow in a blow.
It's so simple to bring styled components nowadays that usually those kits are a nonsense... I mean, yes, you can have something up and running fast but making your own is not so slow as well. The need of getting it running should be quite critical to walk that path because at the end you'll lose more time refactoring than what you could waste in the first hand doing it from scratch (or with some base).

imcheesecake profile image
Freddie • Edited

I agree with you. I've only been in the field for two years but I've been doing css for well over 15 years and I think a lot of people rely too much on MUI/Tailwind/Bootstrap or whatever to do the work for them and then dont learn how to style it themselves.
I hate helper classes that do one thing but it's actually 50 lines of css that you easily can do on your own with flexbox/grid in two lines.