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Discussion on: What is a problem you constantly have with CSS, or something you keep wanting to learn how to do?

joezimjs profile image
JZ JavaScript Corner

The 'contain' property is never properly and fully explained with good examples. I can't find anything really useful in it... Probably part of the reason I never see it used

5t3ph profile image
Stephanie Eckles

Well hey, you just taught me a new property!

It seems to be primarily an issue for floats, so I haven't encountered that issue in quite a while since moving to flexbox and grid based layouts. There are use cases for float still, but perhaps it's not well explained since it's less frequently an issue? Very interesting, thanks for bringing it up!

joezimjs profile image
JZ JavaScript Corner

And that answer seems to show what I'm saying. The resources for learning about it are very limited, so you really don't know what to do with it. Yes, it can kinda fix issues with float, but a big portion of it is that it's a means of telling the browser what things will not change so that it can make optimizations with that knowledge. So, the kinda dual purposeness of it doesn't help matters either.