DEV Community

Discussion on: What's the best way to promote yourself as a developer: Blogging or Youtube?

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Johannes Millan • Edited

I started as a freelancer right after university (I didn't study computer science). Not gonna lie: The first one or two years were tough mostly working on small projects with bad payment, me overcommitting in trying to do a good job and with worries how to pay my rent and food with the irregular flow of income. But after that things got very comfortable.

I started out with smaller jobs offered by family or from a company a friend was working for. My first on site project which I found myself was a total disaster. I don't want to talk about it! :D I later worked for a green social agency with very bad payment and never I never said no to a project during that time. While it was hard I also learned a lot because I was highly motivated to improve myself and with time and more on site projects working together with other programmers I learned that I really got something to offer. And while I today almost exclusively do on site projects I value the experience of having to handle project scopes and all workflows by myself. Being in charge of everything offers a very different perspective.