DEV Community

Discussion on: New Contributors Welcome / Open Source project (ES4X)

johanneslichtenberger profile image
Johannes Lichtenberger

Pretty nice :-)

So, as I'm pretty new to the frontend stuff, we can also use TypeScript (which is going to be transpiled into JavaScript) and write the Vert.x related things in TypeScript instead of JavaScript, right?

But... nothing beats Kotlin, probably!? ;-) BTW: Don't take this last line too serious, but I'm really in love with Kotlin so far.

pmlopes profile image
Paulo Lopes

Hi, I'm a vert.x core developer and polyglot developer! So all languages get my love. ES4X is a new JavaScript polyglot alternative to the old vert.x one and it generates TypeScript definitions from all vert.x APIs. This means you can code with both.

The original goal was better tooling/IDE support, but it turns out it gives proper type information to the TypeScript compiler to generate correct vert.x code too!