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Visual Studio Code Settings for Newbie Coders

John Nweke on August 21, 2019

VS Code Settings for Newbie Coders Image: @clemhlrdt via Unsplash; Design: @john_nweke It's no secret that Visual Studio Code is the ...
ebele777 profile image

Good evening John.

I need to know if there's special settings for images on my VSCode. Images uploaded from my pc don't show either in preview or live server... especially when trying to use as background.

olalani profile image
Olalani Oluwaseun

Hey sir, thanks for the write up for newbies like me (🙈) who are using vs code. How can I make those setting on the editor

johnnweke profile image
John Nweke

Hi @olalani , You're welcome!
Copy the name of each bullet point, and paste it in the extensions panel of VS Code. You may have to do it a few times to get all 8-9 extensions.

Also It's ok to be a newbie, so long as you don't remain one forever ;)

olalani profile image
Olalani Oluwaseun

I will try that and get back to you.

olalani profile image
Olalani Oluwaseun

Hey mentor, have installed all the 9 extension to VSC and I will like to ask that what next please?

chrismjohnston profile image
Christopher Johnston

Thanks for this. I'm always looking for ways to speed up my VS Code workflow.

johnnweke profile image
John Nweke

You're Welcome Christopher! Code runner and Markdown preview have been especially helpful for me recently.