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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 8: Space Image Format

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Johnny • Edited

Finally, a problem made for FP again.
First, a small utility function to partition an encoded image into its layers:

; Returns a sequence of the layers in an encoded image starting from the bottom layer. Not lazy
(defn layers [image dimensions]
  (reverse (partition (apply * dimensions) image)))

Part 1:

; For an encoded image (sequence of chars or string) and dimensions in the format [x y],
; finds the layer that has the least '0' pixels and calculates the value required to solve part 1.
(defn corruption-test [image dimensions]
  (let [least-zeros-layer (apply min-key #(% \0) (map frequencies (layers image dimensions)))]
    (* (least-zeros-layer \1) (least-zeros-layer \2))))

Part 2:

; Layers a pixel onto a base pixel. If the new pixel is transparent, returns the base pixel, else the new pixel.
(defn layer [base-pixel new-pixel]
  (if (= \2 new-pixel) base-pixel new-pixel))

; Returns a suited string representation for an encoded pixel.
(defn pixel-to-str [pixel]
  (if (= pixel \0) " " "█"))

; Decodes an encoded image (raw string or sequence of chars).
; Splits the input into layers, reduces them by layering them on top of each other,
; maps each pixel to an according string representation, partitions the result into rows
; (depicted by the provided dimensions) and returns them as a string joined with new lines.
(defn decode [image dimensions]
  (apply str (flatten (interpose "\n" (partition (dimensions 0) (map pixel-to-str (reduce (partial map layer) (layers image dimensions))))))))

(Full code: