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Discussion on: Database constraints considered harmful?

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Jon Lauridsen

I hadn't considered transactions as part of my argument, we're definitely in agreement that transactions form a backbone of reliable writes. There should never be a dangling Subscription because a service crashed halfway through, and if what I wrote implies I'm against transactions then please point out the offending text so I can fix it :)

I think we both agree that the correct place to prevent buying negative beer should be in the code, right? Maybe we'd argue exactly where and how to do it, but from what you write I think we'd both argue the code should be responsible. The code is the responsible system. You describe the case where a mistake in the code would let an error through that'd get caught in the database, and yes you're right constraints might catch such errors, but it's kind of based on luck: Because business requirements can't be (or certainly shouldn't be) modeled entirely in the database, there are no guarantees that errors in the code layer will be caught in the database. It is possible to get lucky and catch an error, but in my opinion & experience it can just as easily be a regex-constraint that's gone out of sync with the code and now produces hard-to-verify errors because of some edge-case where a certain combination of characters result in a database error. Hope is not a strategy, and if the code should be responsible I'm all for focusing all efforts on that layer instead of adding partial safety nets where they don't really belong.

Perhaps constraints as you describe it made a lot more sense when code was managed by different people than the database, because those constraints allow the database-context to establish rules to make sense of its own data. But if one team manages both code and DB? I'm really suspicious of the value a constraint adds in that context, other than taking up even more minutes to writing and verifying a migration.

That said I'm not here to tell anyone how to work, you make good points and as long as we both can work on systems we enjoy I'm all the happier :)