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Joyce Wei
Joyce Wei

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SPO600 Lab2 - Experiments

This section is going to modify the starter code in order to do some experiment with the bitmap.

Starter Code

    LDA #$00    ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
    STA $40
    LDA #$02
    STA $41

    LDA #$07    ; colour number

    LDY #$00    ; set index to 0

    STA ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y

    INY         ; increment index
    BNE loop    ; continue until done the page

    INC $41     ; increment 1 page
    LDX $41     ; get current page number
    CPX #$06    ; compare with 6
    BNE loop    ; continue until done the page
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Starter Code Result

Experiment 1

    LDA #$00    ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
    STA $40
    LDA #$02
    STA $41

    LDA #$07    ; colour number

    LDY #$00    ; set index to 0

    TYA     ; experiment 1
    STA ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y

    INY         ; increment index
    BNE loop    ; continue until done the page

    INC $41     ; increment 1 page
    LDX $41     ; get current page number
    CPX #$06    ; compare with 6
    BNE loop    ; continue until done the page
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Experiment 1

After adding "TYA" after the "loop" label and before the "STA ($40),y", there are 32 vertical lines with 16 different colours displayed on the bitmap.

This is because "TYA" means "Transfer Y to A" and our accumulator(A) is holding the colour. Since we are incrementing the Y register after "TYA", the colour will change every time the value of Y register is incremented. Moreover, there are only 16 colours available and the bitmap has 32 columns so the vertical lines will be displayed.

Experiment 2

    LDA #$00    ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
    STA $40
    LDA #$02
    STA $41

    LDA #$07    ; colour number

    LDY #$00    ; set index to 0

    TYA     ; experiment 1
    LSR         ; experiment 2
    STA ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y

    INY         ; increment index
    BNE loop    ; continue until done the page

    INC $41     ; increment 1 page
    LDX $41     ; get current page number
    CPX #$06    ; compare with 6
    BNE loop    ; continue until done the page
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Experiment 2

The instruction "LSR" means "Logical Shift Right" which will shift every bits one position to the right, this will result the vertical lines with one pixel wider.

Experiment 2-2

As we adding more "LSR" instruction, the wider the pixels will be.

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