DEV Community

Discussion on: Junior Developer Check List

jrogers8835 profile image
  • A general hunger to learn
  • Lack of ego as mentioned by others
  • Ability to take a problem as a client would describe it and then translate that to problems that can be coded
  • some degree of comfort with any programming language (not html or css)
  • ability to communicate especially code design ideas, problems you're stuck on, and why you did what you did.

A lot boils down to not necessarily having the right answer but communicating how you get to SOME answer and being willing to have constructive conversations about your design and code.

kodekage profile image
Prosper Opara

In what ways can a Junior show Ego?

jrogers8835 profile image
  • If I asked a lateral thinking question (how many ping pong balls can fit on a school bus), complaining that it's a waste of time or pointless question.
  • refusal to listen to help (though I acknowledge this is easily misconstrued during interviews with not wanting to look ignorant) I think there was one or 2 other examples I had in mind when I posted but they aren't coming to me. I've interviewed a few people who thought their school, internship, or 1 other brief job made them way better than they were. They ended up being close minded, hard to work with in a team, and poor at communicating their ideas.
mccabiles profile image

Ability to take a problem as a client would describe it and then translate that to problems that can be coded

This! Also, the inverse of this which is the ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical clients, like informing stakeholders why feature x would take x amount of time.

jrogers8835 profile image

Fair call out, I typically see this as senior or above expectation but that could depend on the team and the company.