Nick and Chris welcome back Mik and Bret to discuss logging and error handling in Node and JavaScript and the subtleties and intricacies that extend far beyond console.log!
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- Square – Develop on the platform that sellers trust. There is a massive opportunity for developers to support Square sellers by building apps for today’s business needs. Learn more at to dive into the docs, APIs, SDKs and to create your Square Developer account — tell them Changelog sent you.
- Raygun – Never miss another mission-critical issue again — Raygun Alerting is now available for Crash Reporting and Real User Monitoring, to make sure you are quickly notified of the errors, crashes, and front-end performance issues that matter most to you and your business. Set thresholds for your alert based on an increase in error count, a spike in load time, or new issues introduced in the latest deployment. Start your free 14-day trial at
- Ship It! – A podcast about getting your best ideas into the world and seeing what happens. Listen to an episode that interests you and subscribe today.
- Bret Comnes – Twitter, GitHub, Website
- Mikola Lysenko – Twitter, GitHub
- Nick Nisi – Twitter, GitHub, Website
- Christopher Hiller – Twitter, GitHub, Website
Notes and Links
- JS Party #219 - Making moves on supply chain security
- FullStory
- pino
- grafana
- DataDog RUM
- React Suspense: Async Rendering in React
- Matomo
- Abort Signal
- Semaphore
Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!