DEV Community

Discussion on: Static Site Generators are not for me! My Experience with Jekyll, Hugo and NetlifyCMS

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Aashir Khan

Adding these things to the talk: I agree,JamStack is amazing. but Problem is there, I think Users are divided into so many groups there - Hugo - Jekyll and 50+ static site generator (You can check out the comments of my other post). People tried many Static Site Generators but they got stuck in many Problems and when they try to debug it(Google). What they found? Just Official Docs(Crap for now!) What?? The Stats say that 60000 users are using this static site generator. So where are the response? Why No Good Tutorials are available? Why Google is so much blank? Then they move to the second SSG and then the third SSG and then boom!
I know it's easy to create a website but Custom Theming, Plugins and many more. I think we must pivot! Improve the docs of the best solution for everyone and populate the community with it by writing articles and making YouTube videos. We can't handle so many Static Site Generators