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Discussion on: What do you use for CI/CD ?

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We have a full Azure DevOps implementation. Their build agents are kept up to date, so we discover problems with tooling much earlier. When we need to scale build throughput, we simply need to purchase more agents, which is well worth the time savings.

justinkaffenberger profile image

As for the why, we were originally using TFVC and the on-premise TFS implementation. Now we are on our way to eliminating TFVC, moving everything to fine-grained git repositories. Azure DevOps seemed the logical choice for a migration, as we didn't have to do everything at once, and the user experience remained similar to our on-premise solution.

As for features, we heavily use Azure DevOps Repos, Artifacts, and Pipelines. It allows us to fully automate everything, with Artifacts allowing us to consume services and libraries produced internally.