DEV Community

Discussion on: Are you a fake developer? Me too.

justsharkie profile image

I just had a job interview yesterday where I was so freaked out I forgot really basic things that I usually can rattle off. It made me feel like such a fake.

Today, I've gone and coded something I'm super proud of and feel a lot better about myself.

Imposter Syndrome is like a roller coaster - I've learned to just wait it out, it'll pass just as quickly as it came!

areahints profile image


programming interviews and been downvoted on stackoverflow...

dunno which one i hate more :/

justsharkie profile image

They're both equally horrible, honestly.

thefinalcountup profile image

You have summed up Imposter Syndrome perfectly.

I can totally relate to the interview bit. I have flunked so many interviews I have lost count and always come out of interviews feeling "damn, am useless".