DEV Community

Discussion on: From homelessness to making six figures: On learning how to code.

kaelscion profile image
kaelscion • Edited

Well, I've just followed you on Twitter for sure. I'm not a newbie programmer, but have always had issues getting hired at any companies. I was a developer for several years at a mortgage bank, but only because I was there as an IT Technician first. Being self taught hurts me there. I've been a freelancer for many years now, but where I live is a .Net and Angular area and I'm a Python developer so I would love to see how you made the connections necessary to do what you've done. I come from a difficult background and have really had to claw past several issues in my life (albeit much less than yours). Great story man!

liltechnomancer profile image
Levi ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Thanks man! You should jump in my discourd, maybe I could give you a few tips that might help a little.