DEV Community

Damilare Ogundele
Damilare Ogundele

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Certificate Unlocked! 🎓

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve officially received my certificate for completing the HNG11 internship!

HNG Finalist Cert.

Being one of the 500 finalists chosen from over 20,000 applicants was a journey of growth, learning, and resilience. Just a few hours ago, I reflected on this incredible experience, the projects I took on, and the amazing people I had the privilege to work with. (You can check out that post here).

This certificate is more than just a piece of paper—it’s a testament to the hard work, sleepless nights, countless lines of code, debugging sessions, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. From developing and deploying the Remote Bingo game app to mastering tools like Helm, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, and GitHub Actions, this journey has been truly transformative.

I’m immensely grateful to the mentors, teammates, and everyone who supported me along the way. This is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to continue pushing boundaries and achieving more.

To everyone out there, keep striving, keep learning, and never forget the power of perseverance.

Connect with me on LinkedIn and also GitHub

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