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Discussion on: Dependency Injection in JavaScript

karfau profile image
Christian Bewernitz

Lets say you have this amazing util function that looks up some data in some static/global read only Map and does some calculation that you need in many places in your code base, lets imagine the following signature: function wow(number): Metric.

In some other function foo in a different module I'm doing the following to be able to use it easily, but still be able to pass a mock or stub when I want to unit-test foo without invoking wow.

In TypeScript this could look like this:

import {wow as wowGLobal} from '../../[...]';

function foo(data: PayLoad, wow = wowGlobal) {
  const metric = wow(data.x);

Is this helpful?

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kayis profile image
K • Edited

Ah, got it.

I probably would have implemented with a curried function.

const createFoo = wow => (data: PayLoad) => {
  const metric = wow(data.x);

in the regular place I'd use

foo = createFoo(wowGlobal);

and for testing something different, but I guess your way works too, it's just a bit more implicit.

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restuta profile image
Anton Vynogradenko • Edited

To be annoyingly pedantic, createFoo above is not a curried function, because it can't be called like createFoo(wow, data) and like createFoo(wow, data) at the same time, it's a higher order function with aurity of 1

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kayis profile image

I allow it!