I am using npm module xlsx to write and read JSON data.
I want to write this JSON to excel
{ "name": "John", "class": 1, "address" : [ { "street": "12th Cross" , "city": "London" }, { "street": "22nd Cross" , "city": "Cade" } ] }
Later when I read back I want to get same JSON from excel file
If you already solved, any suggestion or help will be of great help :)
Here is what I have tried
var XLSX = require("xlsx");
console.log("Node Version: " + process.versions.node);
console.log("XLSX Version: " + XLSX.version);
(function() {
// create workbook
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet([
{ "name": "John", "class": 1, "address" : [ { "street": "12th Cross" , "city": "London" }, { "street": "22nd Cross" , "city": "Cade" } ] }
], {header:["name","class","address","street","city"]});
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "testfile.xlsx");
let worksheet = wb.Sheets['Sheet1'];
let jsonArray= XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet);
This returns
Node Version: 8.12.0
XLSX Version: 0.16.2
But I was expecting
{ "name": "John", "class": 1, "address" : [ { "street": "12th Cross" , "city": "London" }, { "street": "22nd Cross" , "city": "Cade" } ] }
Any help or suggestion will be of great help :)
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