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Discussion on: Taught myself to code 1y ago & recently released my first solo product. My biggest tip for learning...🧠

kaueburiti profile image
KauĂȘ Buriti

How much time did you had studied per day?

I'm trying to guide my wife in a career transition and I need tips of how to do it :D

threehourcoffee profile image
marie ng

Hey KauĂȘ!

I'm all for career transitions! I read somewhere that people nowadays make 2 or 3 transitions over the course of our lifetimes. That has certainly been the case for me. Keeps things interesting!

I did spend quite a lot of time on learning. In the beginning about 4-5hrs a day. Appreciate not everyone can do that though.'s not a race!

The most important thing is to do some EVERY day. Especially at the beginning, I found that if I took a few days off I'd forget stuff.

And, as soon as you get some basics under your belt, just start building because it's very satisfying to make stuff that 'works'. That kept me going. Wes Bos has a good site that focuses on building small projects. It's called Javascript 30. I believe you build 30 projects in 30 days. I didn't personally do it but I've heard good things:

Good luck!

kildareflare profile image
Rich Field

I've only done a couple of the projects on, but I still learnt something; even after working as a web developer for 10 years