DEV Community

Ken Flake
Ken Flake

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Guide on how to apply Nuxt Color Mode with Bulma


@nuxtjs/color-mode is a Nuxt.js module that will help us implement a Dark Mode toggle on our Nuxt.js apps much easier.

These are one of the ways on how you can leverage @nuxtjs/color-mode if you're using Bulma.

When using a CSS Framework such as Bulma, we need to override Bulma's .scss variables as stated in this guide.

You can see the source code here!



Installing dependencies

Install node-sass and sass-loader if you haven't yet, so we can use our .scss files properly.
(in devDependencies only because we won't need in during runtime, only during compilation)

npm i -D node-sass sass-loader
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Install @nuxtjs/color-mode that will take care of the toggling for us:
(in devDependencies as well for the same reason)

npm i -D @nuxtjs/color-mode
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  1. @nuxtjs/style-resources - so we can use our .scss files globally in Nuxt. Share variables, mixins, functions across all style files (no @import needed)
  2. Bulma - so we can import, use and override Bulma scss variables in our customized .scss files
  3. nuxt-svg-loader - So we can load SVG icons and use as Vue components, for the toggle switch of Dark mode using SVG icon later
npm i @nuxtjs/style-resources bulma nuxt-svg-loader
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Remove @nuxtjs/bulma if you haven't yet. Moving forward we will use Bulma .scss that we npm install-ed earlier.

Include these on your modules[]:

modules: [
    // Doc:
    // Used with styleResources{}
    // Doc:
    // So we can load SVG icons as Vue components
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Include @nuxtjs/color-mode on your buildModules[]:

buildModules: [
    // Doc:
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Add this on your css[], and also add the new styleResources{} like so:
We'll setup our assets/scss/main.scss file later on below.

   ** Global CSS
  css: ['~assets/scss/main.scss'],
   ** So we can use our .scss file globally in the Nuxt app
  styleResources: {
    scss: ['~assets/scss/main.scss']
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Adding light and dark icons for the toggle switch

Create an icons directory inside assets like so, and add the .svg icons.
You can download the icons here:

Configuring our main.scss

This should be the bread and butter of this guide, the scss files. This shall be the content of our assets/scss/main.scss:

/* Theme style (colors & sizes) */
@import "~bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables";
@import "theme-default";

/* Core Libs & Lib configs */
@import "~bulma";

/* Mixins */
@import "mixins";

/* Theme components */
@import "nav-bar";
@import "title-bar";
@import "hero-bar";
@import "card";
@import "table";
@import "tiles";
@import "form";
@import "main-section";
@import "modal";
@import "progress";
@import "footer";
@import "misc";

/* For our dark mode scss implementation */
@import "dark-mode";
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So what we've done here is:

  1. Import bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables first,
  2. then override some Bulma variables in our custom theme-default.scss settings that will help us configure our dark mode colors and light mode base colors / CSS components
  3. Import the rest of Bulma using ~bulma
  4. Override some components like the Navbar, and so on
  5. Lastly, our dark mode implementation of the Bulma components when it is toggled on

Next is to put the other supporting .scss files. You can get it here:

I borrowed these .scss files on [admin-null-nuxt**]( Nuxt.js template (the free version one).**

So we're done with the .scss files! What we need next is the actual toggling action of dark and light mode.

Creating a Vue component that will serve as our light/dark toggle switch

create components/ColorModePicker.vue, and follow the code implementation below:

  <button class="button is-info is-block" @click="toggleDarkMode()">
    <ColorScheme placeholder="..." tag="span">
      <span v-if="$colorMode.value === 'dark'">
        <IconDark />
      <span v-else>
        <IconLight />

import IconLight from '~/assets/icons/light.svg'
import IconDark from '~/assets/icons/dark.svg'

export default {
  components: {

  methods: {
    toggleDarkMode() {
      if (this.$colorMode.preference !== 'dark') {
        this.$colorMode.preference = 'dark'
      } else {
        this.$colorMode.preference = 'light'

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This is a simple Button component that will help toggle @nuxtjs/color-mode whether we want to use light or dark mode. You can change this one as you wish.

this.$colorMode.preference is the one that will inject a dark-mode class in the whole <html></html> of the Nuxt project if it's set to dark.

It will then trigger the dark-mode.scss to change the Bulma components accordingly depending on what we set in the dark-mode.scss file.

Using the ColorModePicker.vue component

I think that's it! You can now include the ColorModePicker.vue component anywhere in your code, for me I've put it in the Navbar beside the Brand Logo like so:

  <nav class="navbar">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="navbar-brand">
        <nuxt-link class="navbar-item is-hoverable" to="/">
          Nuxt Color Mode With Bulma
        <button class="button navbar-burger">
        <div id="navbarBasicExample" class="navbar-menu">
          <div class="navbar-start">
            <a class="navbar-item">
              <ColorModePicker />
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Note: remember to import this component like so:

import ColorModePicker from '~/components/ColorModePicker'

export default {
  components: {
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Top comments (2)

mrtoxy profile image

I'm not sure why this always shows up in these articles and is never pointed out, by adding both css and styleResources you will be duplicating CSS.
Anything that's global i.e variables needs to be imported separately from the rest.

In this case you would import bulma on css and the override on the styleResources so that you don't end up with duplicated css

slidenerd profile image

if it isnt too much to ask, could you also update the article or add a separate one that covers BUEFY with color-mode