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Discussion on: TailwindCSS: Adds complexity, does nothing.

kerryboyko profile image
Kerry Boyko • Edited

So you did actually duplicate the code into .chat-notification and .new-component.

If, by "duplicate", you mean, I created a const variable with the data, and then referenced that variable in two places... then yes, I guess I did.

But isn't that the whole point of variables? Especially const variables? To make it so you don't have to type out the same thing multiple times?

Tailwind to me is about accepting the fact, that completely seperating concerns between html and css, is at best an academic approach

It's not an academic approach, it's a "best practice". As in - used in practice, not in theory. It's not academic at all. Using semantic-only class names is the best practice. A close second - a "second-best practice" if you will, is using utility classes sparingly. Using nothing but utility classes is a "worst practice."

at least acknowledge that this methodology works wonders for a lot of people. At least you could append "for me" to your title.

I think that the methodology might work for some people, but not for people developing professional quality software in a professional environment, for the reasons I've stated. If you want to use this in your solo side-project or hackathon app, go right ahead.

Regarding Adam Wathan's article...

I don't know what to tell you. The point he starts with "dealing with similar components" as a dilemma -- I get it. There is no way to do that without duplicating code in regular CSS.

It's the limitation of the scripting language. It's like trying to write a function in HTML, you just can't, it's not built for it. CSS isn't built well for code reuse. I wish it was. So in order to solve these problems CSS preprocessors like SASS/SCSS were developed, as well as the myriad of CSS-in-JS solutions. It solves the problem of "not being able to reuse code" directly - by allowing you to set variables and functions so that you indeed can reuse code.

I often feel like the goalposts keep shifting here. To clarify: Yes, I would rather take the problems with duplicated code in plain-CSS and keep semantic classes, than the myriad problems with Tailwind. However, all of the problems that Tailwind claims to solve already have been solved by other tools and they don't introduce the problems that Tailwind introduces.

A metaphor: say that in the 1990s, the only way to build a house was to bang nails in with a flat rock (CSS). And then, around the mid 2000s, a really smart guy invented "the hammer." (Sass) It took adjusting, and you have to learn a new tool, but it did the job much better.

Around the early to mid 2010s, another guy invented the nail gun (CSS-in-JS/Aphrodite/StyledComponents/Emotion, etc.). It worked even better... but it required power and a steady hand, and you had to be careful with it. It was (computationally) expensive too, so a lot of people stuck with the hammer because it was working fine for them. Which was okay. People would often use a manual hammer when the manual hammer seemed appropriate, and the nail gun when they seemed to need it. And all was good in the world of carpentry.

Then in 2017, someone came up to the carpenters and said: "Hey, see what happens when I do this!" and starts hammering in nails with the butt end of a loaded revolver (Tailwind). Look at how much better this works at hammering in nails than banging them with a rock! It's like a miracle!

"But it's a loaded gun. It might go off and shoot yourself"
"Hasn't happened to me yet."
"Why don't use use a hammer? Or a nail gun?"
"I don't like hammers or nail guns."
"I can understand why you might not, but even if you used a rock, that would be safer in the long run."
"Ah, but a rock can end up marring the wood."
"I'm not saying to use a rock. I'm saying that the hammer already solves the problems you have with the rock, but even the rock is a better tool for this than a loaded gun."

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neophen profile image
Mykolas Mankevicius • Edited

You do like your strawmen don't you?

import tw from 'twind'; 
export const MainComponent = () => <>
  <div className={tw`p-6 max-w-sm mx-auto bg-white rounded-xl shadow-md flex items-center space-x-4`}/>
  <div className={tw`p-6 max-w-sm mx-auto bg-white rounded-xl shadow-md flex items-center space-x-4`}/>
export default MainComponent;
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Imagine for a second that React could use components, I know it's not possible, but just imagine, and your strawman code would become like this:

import tw from 'twind'; 
export const MainComponent = () => <>
  <ChatNotification />
  <NewComponent />
export default MainComponent;
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If only React or any other js framework would have the concept of components. How beautifull the world would become, right? Maybe one day we'll be able to write code like this, but most likely not for years to come!

And CSS isn't built well for code reuse. is also wrong.

All the utility classes are there in the css file, once. And are being re-used by all these different components. Which makes the final css tiny, and those CSS classes, wait for it... re-usable. OMG, WOW, SUCH IMPOSIBILITY.