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Discussion on: Rails 7 new production install: from zero to deploy (Ubuntu 20.04 edition)

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Kevin Triplett • Edited

Worked (almost) great, thanks 1klap! Yours is one of the better deploy recipes that I've found.

Two things were different for me (on Debian 11):

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/APPNAME /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/APPNAME
(Debian didn't understand the "../" when I was in the $HOME directory)

I had to scp the database.yml and master.key files into the shared/config directory:
scp config/database.yml deploy@DOMAIN:APPNAME/shared/config
scp config/master.key deploy@DOMAIN:APPNAME/shared/config

Tip: Do not use special characters with Postgresql, especially "_" in the database name and "@" in the user password.

Thanks again!