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Discussion on: Home office vs work office. What do you prefer and why?

khokon profile image
Khokon M.

Sounds fair, but what about the focus? I mean, when you're home, your brain is a lot relax than when you're at office. For that reason, you may procrastinate easily, right?

vtsen profile image
Vincent Tsen

Actually, procrastinating makes me more effective. At office, I often forget to take a small break, and it hurts my posture without realizing it.

I guess it depends on your job nature. If the job doesn't require physical interaction, there is no point working at the office.

I know some still prefer to work at office due to various reasons (e.g. can't separate work at home, distracted by family members etc.) but those are minority. What about you? Sounds like you prefer working at office?

Bottom line is, I think the employer needs to give flexibility to employee (due to different needs) instead of having one policy to fit all.

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khokon profile image
Khokon M.

I've been doing freelance work for the last two years. And I just started working at an office two months ago. So, I kinda can't go on any side yet :D