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Discussion on: How do you safely share passwords?

kimdontdoit profile image

Thanks for your answer Shah πŸ’―
Couldn't live without my personal/work password managers. Although I wonder how would you share a password outside of the team?

I made the switch from Lastpass to Bitwarden about a year ago and would definitely recommend it for budget reasons, but I can't say anything about how it compares to 1Password (although I'm from Canada too)

dhwanitshah profile image
Dhwanit Shah

You can create shared vaults with 1password, which is a great someone for teams. At my last role, we used this to maintain access to our company accounts, for example, with the IT team rotating the passwords often and the marketing teams just getting the update from the shared vault when needed. It also made 2 step authentication a breeze since we weren't having to chase down whose phone got the code. In the newer version now you can also share individual entries with people, restricting them so they are only available for x days, or can it be opened x times.