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Discussion on: The Complete React Native Guide to User Authentication with the Amplify Framework

kimfucious profile image
Kim Ford • Edited

Really nice write up. Thanks.

There's an interesting chicken/egg scenario I've discovered here if only wishing to implement Sign in With Apple, without the other providers.

In brief, as far as I can tell, you can't create (in my case, update) the auth in Amplify CLI without choosing one of the three available choices: Amazon, Facebook, & Google.

This results in the aws-export.js file not having any oauth info, which results in an error when using Auth with the federatedSignIn method: "Cannot read oauthSignIn of undefined".

'amplify pull' doesn't seem to bring down manual changes made in the User Pool, and adding anything manually to the aws-export.js file will get overwritten.

I guess, I could create/use a dummy setup with one of the three available to push this through, but I thought I'd ask if you/anyone had any thoughts first.

kimfucious profile image
Kim Ford

Just a follow up to mention that I wound up adding google to amplify Auth, which ultimately populated the oauth section of the aws-exports.js file, which allowed me to move past this blocker.