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Discussion on: Pitch me on Java

kithminiii profile image

Pros of Using Java:

  • Simple
  • A Secure Language
  • Cheap and economical to maintain
  • Platform-independent
  • Java provides an efficient memory allocation strategy

Cons of Using Java:

  • Slow and Poor Performance
  • Poor GUI
  • No backup facility
  • Significant memory space required
  • Verbose and complex code
saptakbhoumik profile image

I don't think it's performance is bad compared to other interpreted languages. Sure it is slower than compiled languages but very fast for most task. Also what do you mean by no backup facility?

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

I never coded in Java but used many internal developed Java softwares and every single one was slooow. We had the same app later rebuilt with Electron which was fully written in JavaScript/Node and it felt like 50 times faster.

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siy profile image
Sergiy Yevtushenko

Slow apps could be written in any language. Java is not an exception.

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leob profile image

Those "internally developed Java softwares" were likely desktop apps ... let's be frank, Java on the desktop (applets, JWT, Swing and all that) sucks ... do not, I repeat do not, use Java on the desktop - should only be used server side!

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abhinav1217 profile image
Abhinav Kulshreshtha


We had the same app later rebuilt with Electron which was fully written in JavaScript/Node and it felt like 50 times faster.

If you think electron was faster, you can't imagine the performance of tauri, or webview.

I have worked on Java desktop app. They can be really fast if you compile it for production, which uses compiler optimization flags. Yes startup time can be slow in some cases, but JVM has been improving a lot in past few years. Memory footprint of J9 is also in league of its own.
It also depends on framework used, In my experience, If animations are avoided, Fx is really fast, compared to swing. That said, Swing is really performant library. Eclipes IDE uses SWT which is built upon on swing.

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leob profile image

Good to hear a bit of a different view, the huge amount of bashing that Java gets (often not based on actual knowledge) can be tiresome ...

siy profile image
Sergiy Yevtushenko

Java is Just-In-Time compiled language. It's performance comparable or even better to compiled languages like C or Rust.

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ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic • Edited

I know that JavaScript is a JIT language it is comparable but not faster it can however have a few areas where it is as fast as compiled or faster, but most of the time just comparable.

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siy profile image
Sergiy Yevtushenko

JS as a language has some specific (variable type may change at run time, for example), which makes efficient JIT compilation somewhat tricky.

leob profile image

Sorry but it's not an "interpreted language", not by a stretch ... it uses a JIT compiler, once a piece of code (class or method) has been JIT-compiled it essentially runs almost at C/C++ speed (well, with still some runtime overhead in the form of garbage collection and all that).

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saptakbhoumik profile image

I know that. I am just comparing it's speed with an interpreted language

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leob profile image

Right, well then you know it's not in the same league :)

stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel

I can only second that. Performance is actually very good, in fact it outperforms natively compiled C++ code in many situations as the hotspot VM aggressively optimizes at runtime.
Also I don’t understand what β€žbackup facilityβ€œ means.

bigbott profile image

Kindergarten here.
When Java became interpreted?
Go to school, take some lessons.

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saptakbhoumik profile image
SaptakBhoumik • Edited

Before arguing properly READ WHAT I SAID. I am just comparing it's speed to an interpreted language.

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bigbott profile image
bigbott • Edited

You don't have problem with Java alone, but with English and languages in general.

Sentence: "I don't think it's performance is bad compared to other interpreted languages." states that you think that Java is interpreted language.

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saptakbhoumik profile image
SaptakBhoumik • Edited

Listen comparing java's speed with an interpreted language doesn't mean that I think it is an interpreted language. That like saying fighter jet is sound because we often compare it's speed with sound(mach number literally means number of times faster than sound). So instead of arguing(in this case you are completely wrong) do something useful or maybe learn english and how to behave online

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bigbott profile image
bigbott • Edited

Ok. Let me give you kindergarten level example.

I think that Ferrari is fast compared to OTHER bicycles.
Word OTHER here means that Ferrari is a bicycle. Otherwise, it completely redundant.
I hope you finally learned something.

Also, you don't actually need to think about Java performance. Just check some benchmarks. For example: You will see that Java between fastest and for some tasks Java is the fastest language. And its main competitors are C, C++, Rust and Go. Are those interpreted in your opinion?
You will also see, that comparing Java to interpreted languages like Ruby, Python and PHP is meaningless as its performance usually ten times higher.

Opinion that Java is slow comes exclusively from "new language of the day" propagandons and aimed into idiots who tends to believe everything they read more than once.

leob profile image

"Slow and Poor Performance", "Poor GUI", "No backup facility" - are you talking about Java on the desktop? (applets, swing, JWT) ... that's a disaster, and always has been, but Java on the server is a different story, it'd well-respected.

(scalability and memory management of the JVM in server environments are arguably strong points ... verbosity of the language remains an issue, but you can use other languages on top of the JVM)

thexdev profile image
M. Akbar Nugroho

Apache Cassandra is written in Java and it's fast πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

bigbott profile image

Slow and poor performance? Where is it came from?
Compared to which language? JavaScript? Python? Ruby? PHP?
Do you have a benchmark?

Java is among fastest languages. For some tasks it is comparable to C++. With much simpler memory management.

Verbose - yes, but it is feature. All your fancy JavaScript oneliners should be well commented to be understood. Java code that follows conventions is self explained.

Writing GUI is not simple in Java, but it is possible. Check Eclipse and Netbeans. Those apps are among most complex GUI applications you ever seen and they written entirely in Java.

siy profile image
Sergiy Yevtushenko

Java is not slow.
Java is not for desktop apps.
Java is reasonably verbose, which makes support and maintenance of long-living projects much simpler. As a consequence, Java dominates enterprise software development. Needless to say that it means virtually infinite number of jobs, constant high demand and great salaries.

P.S. Java is very expressive and simple language with very straightforward, consistent and well thought out syntax.