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Discussion on: So you switched to Vim - Don't forget to install Vimium for Chrome!

kr428 profile image
Kristian R.

Been using it for a while, same as vim plugins for some IDEs, and found myself kicking them out again after a while. While I still love and massively use vim whenever working on a terminal through an ssh session, it somehow feels strange to me to use this mode of operation in any other environment... ;)

peterfication profile image
Peter Gundel

I think the problem might be that we don't give us the same time and focus to learn the key bindings in any other in environment. When I started with vim I forced myself not to use the mouse or the arrow keys. Of course it is slow in the beginning, but if you stick to it you will get faster eventually. So if I don't force myself to use the Vimium key bindings, I will never be more effective and stop using it.

What's your thought on this?

kr428 profile image
Kristian R.

Yes, maybe you're right. Looking at how I use IDEs (Eclipse, VS Code, Atom), I found myself making excessive use of both keyboard and mouse for editing and navigating. Maybe I just should give it a try to only use keyboard for this and see how it works.

Then again, actually, I always sort of found the absence of mouse as working input device especially in ssh terminals more of an issue to be resolved rather than a feature and so I made use of vim to be as fast as possible under these circumstances. Would be interesting to see if leaving out a mouse on an X11 user interface will leave you same as fast. ;)