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Discussion on: Scrum is Easy

kr428 profile image
Kristian R.

Care to outline why you think Scrum is not agile? I think I know what you mean but I am not completely sure. And to some point I'd oppose this by saying: Scrum is not project management. I go mostly with the Schwaber/Sutherland approach here claiming that Scrum essentially "is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products". A framework. Not a process. Not a very complex rule-book'ish process to follow through but rather a set of approaches to help getting teams to work "agile" yet in some way planned and structured. This way, it is as "agile" as you want it to be: The Agile Manifesto has a bunch of ideas (starting with "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools") worth respecting, and they aren't "incompatible" with Scrum if you do things right... ;)

eljayadobe profile image

The things the make agile actually agile are the agile engineering practices.

Scrum is a lightweight management process. The framework it outlines is a process. A management process. Suitable for products, but also suitable for marketing, or sales, or call centers, or IT, or DevOps.

Andrew Fuqua did a good job enumerating the agile engineering practices, Engineering Practices.

filipustian profile image
Filipus Tian

I'm agree with you :)
If I may, the artifacts are backlog, sprint backlog and increment. Increment is not sprint burn down chart. As I know, scrum guide never mention any chart :)

eljayadobe profile image

I added increment to the artifacts. The Scrum Guide does mention the burn down chart, but in passing and not in depth.

I grant you that it isn't listed in the artifacts, by The Scrum Guide. But it is a secondary artifact, as are things like velocity (if used by the team), and a roster of team members who participated in a given sprint, and vacations, and if there were disruptions (power outages, hurricanes, IT upgrades that brought development to a halt, patch Tuesday), or anything else that is a product or byproduct of the development effort.

I wasn't emphasizing the roles, events, and artifacts in my post. I figured those are all mulled over sufficiently in The Scrum Guide. :-)

eljayadobe profile image

I was in no way trying to say Scrum and agile are incompatible. I think they are very complimentary. Which is why I said that they can be very complimentary.

But a team can be agile without Scrum (nor any other lightweight management process). And a team could use traditional waterfall (actual waterfall in practice, not strawman waterfall lampooned by Winston W. Royce albeit not called that by name), yet still be agile.

Or a team can embrace Scrum as its lightweight management process, without being agile whatsoever.

The two are orthogonal to one another. But I think, like peanut butter and chocolate, they go well together.

kr428 profile image
Kristian R.

Ok, thanks for clarifying, we're mostly in the same boat then. Yes, the team doesn't need Scrum to be agile, and you very easily can make Scrum a very "heavy", strict management process lacking any agility. What I just wanted to point out is: If you know you want either to become more agile while locked in a very static, strict organizational environment, or if you are extremely agile and need to get more structure into your planning, Scrum provides a framework to allow for agile teams and work while still providing an minimum set of rules for people to play stumbling across each others feet - and by possibly becoming "better" technically.

I know a bunch of teams (including ours, before "adopting Scrum") who suffered not from being in too strict management processes but rather, essentially, from being way too agile in terms of being too much focussed on satisfying internal and external stakeholders as fast as possible - and sacrificing quality, stability, maintainability for the sake of releasing features fast. In this environment, quality, testing, documentation, ... often was deemed unneeded and time spent on things not providing value, and in such environment team members didn't manage to get better in this, on their own, because focussing on more quality immediately would slow down development. This, also, isn't what agility should end up like. ;)

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eljayadobe profile image

Agility doesn't come from Scrum. Scrum provides an empirical framework of short cycles and frequent course corrections, and a lightweight management process that can respond to change, and embrace change.

Agility comes from the team embracing the values and principles of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, and adopting agile engineering practices. (Doesn't have to be just the team. Could be the entire department. Or the entire division. Or the entire company.)

Developing features fast while sacrificing quality, stability and maintainability is a surefire recipe to be not agile. As you saw in those bunch of teams that suffered. :-(

For all the reasons Robert Martin pointed out in his book Clean Code.

To be agile requires the team to internalize agile engineering practices, as enumerated by Andrew Fuqua. Not all of them have to be adopted, but a good scrum master should be encouraging the development team to consider suitable ones to incorporate as a development team technical decision.

Even without agile, Scrum still provides a lot of value.

And agile, without Scrum, provides a lot of value.

Genuine Scrum and genuine agile together are a win-win.

But there are a lot of pitfalls that need to be avoided with Scrum. Which is why I say "Scrum is simple, but it ain't easy".

By far the biggest pitfall I've seen is management telling the team do Scrum, without management understanding that Scrum means management's own role and responsibility has to change to make Scrum work. Management needs to pony up a full-time scrum master as a facilitator and manager of the process; a servant-leader. Management needs to empower the team to be able to make technical decisions (which is a hard change for a command-and-control organization to successfully make that transition).

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kr428 profile image
Kristian R.

Yes. I don't disagree here.

The only thing I wanted to point out: Scrum provides sort of a framework that is required for getting good work done in an agile environment in a larger style.

Scrum itself doesn't make a team agile.

But at some point, there's always a need to get things balanced. In most cases there's a load of different stakeholders with conflicting goals and requirements. In most cases, too, there are business requirements concerning available development budgets, release cycles and the like. In most cases there will be a whole load of non-functional requirements and expectations. Too, in most cases there will be "planned" development vs. fixing "bugs" (ranging from actual show stoppers that bring your system down to that one button one special user wants to be green instead of blue).

I dare to say in most "real-world" organizations (larger teams, more than one stakeholder, ...), no matter how well a team embraces agile principles, you still will need some sort of process to resolve these issues - to figure out, in example, how to work with budget limitations or release deadlines in a sane way, or how to resolve conflicting goals by getting your things prioritized.

This is not "just" about agility, it's mostly also about getting a certain structure into things as agility, on the other side, also won't work if the whole team randomly starts talking to random stakeholders to get an idea of what to do next, or if stakeholders randomly provide some team members with whichever feature request they see as important that moment.

Scrum, with its roles and processes, provides a framework to answer those questions. And that's what I initially meant: If you have a team that commits to and embraces agile principles and values, Scrum helps you getting this into your whole environment in a meaningful way without wanting "agile" and ending up in chaos.

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eljayadobe profile image

Then we're on the same page. :-)

I think Scrum has a lot of value. (With or without agile.)

I think agile has a lot of value. (With or without Scrum.)

I think Scrum + agile together is a big win-win for both.

I think there are some dangerous pitfalls to Scrum that people ought to be aware of, so they can avoid those pitfalls. Because those pitfalls can give Scrum a bad name, and I don't think that's fair to Scrum.