DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I Stopped Using Redux

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Miroslav Kravec • Edited

one time i think redux is overkill is if you are working on small projects ... to build a scalable and maintainable application we need a centralized state

Redux is a very wrong tool for any front-end (dumb client/interface) of information systems, where the back-end is the single source of truth - the centralized state.

Even user's settings are stored in BE, and therefore should be treated as network resource. I couldn't imagine working with information system, which wouldn't remember my settings across different sessions / browsers / computers. Rather, not have any user settings at all, then.

However, redux might be a good choice for rich applications, where the front-end is practically a full-featured desktop application, and the back-end serves as mere storage for BLOBs (with metadata).

My opinion is based on experience with a large / enterprise application using Apollo GraphQL. And, that I've just migrated my pet project from custom-crafted very-sub-optimal redux caching solution to react-query.