DEV Community

Discussion on: Open question. Is it really possible to keep a big project code clean?

kriyeng profile image
David Ibáñez

Thank you James,

When you reffer to avoid sharing code, do you mean sharing code between modules in the same app, or not code shareable code in mind for future projects?

Does it means that is better to write two almost identical functions in two modules to not share between both or not to use a module for common functions?

I'll take a look to your link!
Thank you!!

jamesmh profile image
James Hickey

Generally, I mean sharing code between modules or assemblies, etc.

At face value that might sound strange to many, but I've seen this hinder large projects because they are all coupled together due to these shared "common" libraries.

This is what something like microservices totally avoids - which is one of the main reasons these services are easily replaced, etc.