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Discussion on: Exploring The F# Frontend Landscape

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Kasey Speakman • Edited

This generates IMO some indirection that I can't really handle cognitively and many others I've known who have left elmish like abstractions behind like elmish itself, redux and similar patterns.

I think I understand what you mean. Early Elm patterns had a child message pattern that was very tedious and hard to resolve some needs. Elmish's implementation of the Cmd and subscription signatures, though they are quite logical and flexible, always feel like a mental obstacle course to work thru. As I alluded to earlier, I don't think MVU is quite complete as yet. It needs more investment. I had to augment it with at least 1 new core concept and some add-on patterns to make it work for us.

Even the react ecosystem itself was primarily using Redux but the industry moved on because not everyone was able to work on these architectures alone it still has it's use cases but it is not in vain that different alternatives surfaced to avoid going full elm style, granted that I'm biased against a pure functional approach as well so those things could be tied to that.

There are some other factors. Redux author became a public face of the React team. Redux has a similar incompleteness problem to MVU. But I think the core issue here is that it is VERY hard to change out of an object-based mindset. At least in my experience. It took years / multiple attempts to chip away at my deeply ingrained OO-shaped instinct on the how to code. I thought I was there. Then after my first significant Elm project, I realized I still hadn't got it. That's when I finally started to understand functional patterns. So I know first hand that sometimes I just can't break my brain anymore and I go back to what I know. Conversely, the 3 devs I've trained with no previous programming experience were usefully contributing MVU UI code after about a month.

One thing that looks like is kind of an omission here is that react is a rendering library that works with components even if you use it in a static way you are using components underneath that's how every element is working so I don't think using Feliz, fable-react, lit or any other F# alternative will actually get you away from components.

Not an omission. It uses components when you take a complete xray. But the view code that I write is still deterministic and structurally similar to the rendered DOM. Except for event handlers, which are minor holes in both, but still look like an HTML syntax. Since we only use React in this way, the team only has to know HTML, no further knowledge dependency to unlearn when the next better thing comes out.

No, you still have to use a store, this store is backed by your elmish model though you can see a full example here .

Yes, this is a side effect when my goal is deterministic code for logic and view generation. Loading a store is not much different conceptually from passing it as a function argument. I prefer the latter because there's no hidden magic. I've been bitten by magic approaches many many times. They're never quite magic enough to cover all things I run into. Then I have to work around or against it to accomplish what I need. That kind of overhead is very costly in the long term.

There's a miss understanding here, Sutil uses Feliz.Engine ... Perhaps you might mean the original dialect Feliz

Yes, the last Feliz I researched was the library. (Regarding the scoped css, animation.) The Engine version syntax is a further step removed from the rendered HTML. It's less cognitive load when it matches more closely.

// Fable.Elmish.React
div [Class "foo"] [
    str "bar"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
<!-- rendered -->
<div class="foo">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now I will reiterate that all of these support Elmish and you can go just as full elmish as elmish + fable-react (which I think is the version you're speaking of) with a couple of extra concepts or a mix between majority elmish minority components or majority components minority elmish or just plain components or plain elmish

I don't agree here. A couple of extra concepts and mixing in components, if it requires you to use its code abstractions, is a framework. "Full" MVU is not that. (I'm not at all minimizing MVU in the small. It is a great tactic.) MVU is a library approach where I opt into library abstractions. So I can choose a different renderer for example, without changing my page logic. (There used to be an alternative renderer for Elmish.) With MVU the functions and types I use are only the ones I defined. (I don't use Elmish's Cmd. Dispatch is in terms of my Msg type. And the Elmish-specific stuff is only called once at app startup.) The extra knowledge dependency of MVU is the pattern, which is very different from depending on framework abstractions in each page. Invariably a framework author learns better ways to do things. And abstractions change. I've been in situations where it was simply not feasible to upgrade. Then all ecosystem efforts go to the new version, and the app stagnates, and the team wants to rewrite it. This is perhaps a cost we don't consider when choosing a component-oriented (aka object aka framework) approach. (Actually there are more costs, like systematically training devs to prematurely abstract, which creates a large maintenance cost long-term.) I guess we assume it's the cost of doing business. But I can avoid a huge chunk of that with a functional architecture.

I'd think the best way to see how do they fit on your scale is to try their elmish support (if you are ever looking for an alternative which sounds like you're fairly comfortable with your setup and that's great no need to change) and give some feedback on what you think they're lacking to have Full Elmish support

Hopefully the above explains what is needed to support functional architectures like MVU. (No required usage of objects, no systemic code abstractions that user code needs to depend on, nor required side effects in logic / view calculation. Basically, recipes composing single-purpose libraries rather than frameworks are needed to support functional architecture.) But I don't think popular projects will be looking at this as a primary use case, because most of us devs are not interested. We just want a familiar framework approach that "gets it right this time". It's an apt description of me for nearly 2 decades.