DEV Community

Discussion on: What's your atomic bomb?

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Kasey Speakman

I've had several ideas over the years which I felt pretty certain would get me rich if pursued, but would ultimately be a blight upon the world. These were from the darker parts of my mind. Out of principle, I never implemented any of those ideas. I didn't even let them leave the confines of my brainpan for fear that someone else might. Fortunately I have forgotten most of them by now.

For work that I've actually done over the years, I can't point to anything that makes me feel like a destroyer of worlds. (I certainly can point to some horrendously bad code, but that is different.) I make apps/systems for businesses. So far they have been made in good faith, to make everyone's lives easier. Sometimes they are used in ways which I dislike. Mostly that is organizational unhealthiness rather than maliciousness.

I would like my work to have a positive impact, of course. But at the end of the day, I am a tool-maker. Tools are not inherently positive or negative, until they make it into someone's hands. So for me, the far more important consideration is the whether the organization itself is making a positive impact.