DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I switched from VsCode to WebStorm

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Although I really love VS Code, lately I have been finding that it kind of suffers from an issue that extension-based applications tend to face. That is, getting decent functionality relies on finding and installing many plugins which are maintained separately, don't necessarily integrate together, have different levels of performance, and have their own issues. Some extensions are extremely useful and virtually flawless. Others which seem great turn out to suffer from issues that disrupt your workflow. An examplesl I have found is the Jest Test Explorer, which is unable to find tests unless that are at the root of your workspace.

What Webstorm does (at a price, to be fair) is provide an extremely capable IDE experience with no extensions necessary. You know it all works well and works together. The more capable I become as a developer, the more I find that VS Code definitely lacks in a lot of important areas.

I still love it though. I still find it so quick and useful for many use cases.