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Bar Stack & Line chart combined

The visx library by airbnb is my to-go-to when building charts with React.

It’s well documented, based on d3, really flexible and customizable.

You can find a lot of articles explaining to you how to build a simple chart using visx, they even provide some sandbox.

When struggling with a chart, always go to the d3 documentation and do some research on how to perform this or that.

How can I align properly two charts of different types and scales?

I need to display some data over time, my x-axis is time-based in this example.

The stack bar chart needs by default a scale band.

I would like to add a line displaying other data based on the same x-axis values I’m using for the bar stack chart.

❌ Create two different x-axis scales

My first approach was to create two different x-axis scales. But because the line chart and the bar stack are not using the same scale type, the alignment of my two charts was off.

✅ Only use one scale type

So as a requirement, I could only use one scale type, since I don’t have much choice with the bar stack, it had to be a scale band.

import { scaleBand, scaleLinear, scaleOrdinal } from '@visx/scale';


// create the scale that will be passed to the <BarStack /> component
const xScale = scaleBand({
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In order to get the line chart aligned, I need to use my xScale somehow.

The key is to pass the xScale that we are using for the bar stack chart to the x props of the LinePath, but with a twist:

 x={d => xScale.bandwidth() / 2 + xScale(d.x)}
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// width of the bar divided by 2 to get the middle
xScale.bandwidth() / 2

// the x position of the bar in the chart
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Bar stack chart combined with a line chart

Here is a more "in-context" example, also adding dots on top of the line:

<svg ref={containerRef} width="100%" height={height}>
      {barStacks => =>
          map(barStack.bars, (bar, index) => 
                y={bar.y - 0.8}
    {, i) => (
        <Fragment key={`fragment-line-${}`}>
                        // here is where the magic happens
            x={d => xScale.bandwidth() / 2 + xScale(d.x)}
            y={d => yScale(d.y)}
          { => (
            <g key={`line-glyph-${dot.x}`}>
                                // operate the same logic to position a dot on the line
                left={xScale.bandwidth() / 2 + xScale(dot.x)}
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Happy coding charts!

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