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Discussion on: DO NOT trust your frontend validators

latobibor profile image
András Tóth • Edited

Sorry to chime in so late, but there is a viewpoint not expressed here leading to the wrong conversations.
Who's responsibility is to keep data consistent or free of garbage? (i.e. invalid states)
Regarding if you say frontend, backend or database I have bad news for all of them.

If you think of the layers as an onion then...

  1. The core would be the database (or distributed database, or databases if many services roll their own).
  2. Then you can have n number of services that operate upon that. This means if you choose not to validate data written into your database now you have to do it n times!
  3. Then you can have k number of frontends, plus other services and hackers with scripts that send in data. Obviously, as the article is also saying, at this point validation on the frontend is just UX ensuring a smooth user experience - i.e. when you input invalid data you do not need to wait for submitting the form to see the phone number format is wrong.

And then if you choose...

  1. The database layer to ensure data validity/consistency you are going to face horrible source control options, inability to unit test solutions, hiring issues (sadly ORMs make hiring easier on the expense of good DB code), etc. Writing code to the DB is not a rich coding experience.
  2. The service layer, then you need to figure out how to distribute your validator among many codebase, sometimes many languages! Good luck maintaining a validation library in Java, JS, Go, Rust etc. at the same time.

Everything sucks, just retire early and open a bar. 😐

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polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Everything sucks, just retire early and open a bar


Respectfully, but if you look at your web API as a micro service, you can ensure all clients are using the same micro service to interact with the database. Creating such "bottle necks" is often very valuable, since it implies arguably the equivalent of "single source of truth" in regards to code able to modify data, and leads to the same nice place as "single source of truth" leads to related to data normalisation and similar constructs ...

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latobibor profile image
András Tóth

The point is, you are better off if you think about the bottlenecks than if you are not.

As a side note it horrifies me whenever I read "80-90% backend applications are simple CRUD applications, therefore they can be autogenerated from a document.". If your application is a simple CRUD you either don't have data consistency or an actual useful, sellable product.

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polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen • Edited

If your application is a simple CRUD you either don't have data consistency or an actual useful, sellable product

Define CRUD. Our "CRUD" generator allows you to apply.

  • reCAPTCHA values for individual verbs towards individual tables
  • Authorisation requirements for individual verbs towards individual tables
  • Row level security implying for instance users cannot see individual records that aren't their own "property"
  • Decide which rows are included in which CRUD verb endpoint
  • Automagically takes care of foreign keys, adding auto complete widgets in the frontend when you've got a foreign key, doing lookups into the referenced table
  • Publishing socket messages upon write invocations towards data
  • Implement caching
  • Log invocations
  • Add validators server side for individual fields
  • Etc, etc, etc ...

I'd say that covers about 80% to 90% of the stuff me and you typically do, assuming your background is enterprise software development ... ;)

... unless of course you're one of these guys always looking for an opportunity to make stuff more complex ... :/

an actual useful, sellable product

Psst, Microsoft Office Access ...?

Last time I checked it was selling pretty decent ...? ;)