DEV Community

Shin-Young Jung
Shin-Young Jung

Posted on

ERROR: A blank page appears after deploying your Vite React App

After deploying your React App built with Vite, you may see the console error message says, Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html". ....

This is because you may set the wrong base while you set the vite.config.js/ts file.

I faced this issue when I set the path alias from the vite.config.ts file. I set the base with ./, but it gives an error when loading files from the html. the base path should be /, not ./.

So If you have any issues with the error message above please check your vite.config.ts file.

You can also set the base path from the script in the package.json. Please ensure your base path is set correctly in your script as well.

The way to set the base path from the script is as follows.
vite build --base=/.

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