DEV Community

Discussion on: How to Deploy Angular Universal to Vercel

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Lee Hodges • Edited

Thanks for this! I made a few changes to my setup so I'm not always running production environments when I want to hit say staging backend.

Strip out "vercel-build": "npm run build:ssr" from package.json
Update "build:ssr" to "ng build --configuration production && ng run project-name-here:server"

Create in your root directory of the project

if [[ $VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF == "main" ]]; then
  echo "This is our production branch"
  npm run build:ssr
elif [[ $VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF == "master" ]]; then
  echo "This is our production branch"
  npm run build:ssr
  echo "This is not our production branch"
  npm run build:staging-ssr
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The above is just looking at what branch is being deployed, if it's main/master build:ssr will run if its any other branch my staging-environment deployment script will run.

Settings on Vercel for the project add custom build command of sh