DEV Community


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Hacktoberfest Pledge


Last year when I first joined the DEV community, I heard all about Hacktoberfest! When I joined the event, I barely knew how to contribute to open source, and when I finally did I couldn't find any Github repo issues that matched my beginner skill level.

Now it's a new year for me, and with the new computer science and web development skills I learned I'll boost my Github profile and complete this Hacktoberfest with lots of contributions.


  • To make 4 or more pull requests this Hacktoberfest, and after that continue to contribute to open source weekly
  • Grow my Github profile for others to see
  • Meet new people who match my skill set and I can work together with
  • Gain experience with solving code problems


I pledge to contribute to the fullest this Hacktoberfest while blogging my journey for others to see. I'll look forward to even going past contributing in Hacktoberfest and contributing to the open source community all the time. As I attempt to contribute i'll make sure to follow the guidelines of both the Hacktoberfest and the Hacktoberfest participating repo's, in order to make sure things go smoothly.

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