DEV Community

Discussion on: Good bye ReactNative, hello Ionic.

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You know when I became hugely and thoroughly convinced by the web/hybrid story for mobile app development?

That was when I realized the potential of PWAs ... no more messing around with app stores and the whole packaging and publishing hoopla (although I think that Google still has a "light weight" form of publishing for PWAs, not sure about that).

The fact that you write a web app (PWA) and then you still need to package it inside a native 'shell' (which isn't doing much more than a browser does) always felt somewhat artificial to me, and PWA does away with all that.

The moment PWAs really take off is when I think native app development will begin its downward trajectory, for a large part of mobile app development.

(a company like Apple won't like this because it threatens the power they yield via their App Store - so they might try to push back, but they can't forever keep sabotaging PWAs through an undercooked Safari browser)