DEV Community

Discussion on: I've been coding for 20 years, Ask Me Anything!

letmypeoplecode profile image
Greg Bulmash 🥑

What misconception have you had to correct the most?

In 2011/12, when I got my ZCE, I had to educate A LOT of recruiters on the difference between being a Zend Certified Engineer (general PHP cert) and being Zend Framework certified (specific to Zend's monolithic MVC).

The Java/JavaScript thing STILL comes up with recruiters because of sloppy searches. :-)

mattsparks profile image
Matt Sparks • Edited

I've had clients/managers assume that because I know how to code (in the general sense) that I can easily build anything that is built with code. I usually respond with, "I could maybe figure something out but it's going to take a lot longer than you would like. You'd probably be better off finding someone with experience in [whatever]."

"You know PHP, that's great! Can you build us some facial recognition software that uses AI to determine who a person is and their favorite beer?"