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Discussion on: Betting my career on JAMstack.

liltechnomancer profile image
Levi ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

I would argue that JAMstack is a practice and not a specific tech. This isn't "Betting my career on Gatsby"

waterlink profile image
Alex Fedorov

Sorry, it's just a bundle of tech that will eventually get partially replaced (even though there will be legacy apps to stay).

I'm talking about:

  • principles of software design,
  • clean code,
  • XP principles (TDD, pairing, continuous integration and delivery, and others),
  • knowing enough different technologies that you're not afraid of any new tech because you can learn it in a few days to level that normal single-tech devs can do only in 6 months,
  • understanding of the product and business parts of any organization,
  • working effectively with people, communication and soft skills,
  • empathy.
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liltechnomancer profile image
Levi ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Phone me when they replace JavaScript friendo.

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waterlink profile image
Alex Fedorov • Edited

Not sure what you’re getting at. Betting career on a single language or framework seems weird to me, even if it’s not going to go away.

I do JS/TS on the front-end side of my day-to-day work, and I also do Go/Ruby/Python for CLIs, Kotlin/Ruby/Go/Python for back-ends, and I do Kotlin/Swift for mobile apps. And I did in the past things like Clojure, Scala, and Haskell on production applications (both backend and frontend).

Also, within bounds of each language, I’m proficient at using at least 2-3 frameworks and a considerable amount of libraries.

What’s the point of betting a career on a single stack or language? I mean, what does it even mean?

Let’s tackle the meaning of the concept of betting:

Betting is very similar to gambling and in general any risk-taking.

That means that if JAMStack is no more, or not HOT, your career would be over, or would sustain serious damage that’ll take years to recover.

Is this true for what you’ve meant by “betting on JAMStack?”